Monday, November 29, 2021

my camp movie

 Wevideo is very different to Imovie  I learnt Wevideo and it was super hard I have learnt adding titles and transition and many other stuff

It was a good Idea to blog because I haven't been active for a bit

Getting the right photos and getting a lot of photos of me in the movie

I dont have any questions about my learning

Add more photos that what I could do better next

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

stuffed toy Tower

 hi this is my stuff toy Tower this is tall as I can get it without falling  I hope you like my post


Hi Ruru, I have completed Jaydah's skateboard tutorial. I really enjoy running up onto my skateboard! 

Lucky Kitty Hawk as I have earned them 1 token! Let's go KittyHawk, keep up with the student council activity board. 

Let me know your thoughts! :)


Friday, August 27, 2021

First Week of Lockdown

This is today’s house building task. This house is totally eco friendly solar powered. Bob and Mildred live in there. They discover and experiment with eco friendly living. They have an eco robot that they built called Lester. Lester takes photos of the environment and how it works. He is also a rescue bot.


Here are also a couple of photos of our favourite game at the moment called trampoline dodgeball.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Thursday, August 12, 2021